Originally Posted by Rusty
Had the monthly gun club meeting today. Decided to go early and sight in the Ruger PR 338LM. Lets just say that the rifle shoots lights out.. 10 shot group at 600 yrds.  New never fired Lapua brass, CCI 250 primers, 95grs of H1000, Hornady 285gr ELD Match bullets. Can't wait to see what it will do once I work up a load for it.
Thats a really nice load you got!

Were you able to put a chronograph on it? You got the consistency down, thats for sure!
My best shot group ever was from my brothers Henry Classic Lever .22. Off the shelf Browning BPR .22lr Shot at 25 yards with iron sight, standing position. 10 shots, 1 hole just under half an inch. I have a pic of it somewhere.