Originally Posted by bunk
Got the bow tuned yesterday at a local archery shop. OMG, what a difference! The knuckle heads at Bass Pro Shop had set it up pretty badly.
The whisker biscuit was set too high, the peep sight wasnt aligned, the draw stops werent set correctly. The draw length they set for me was way off.
The bow tech had me dialed in and the bow fits like a glove. Took it out to the park and my shot grouping got alot smaller. I still need to zero in the sights though.
Glad to hear that! Bass Pro and archery pro shops in general came sometimes be hit or miss.
Originally Posted by bunk
Question, so I have a 5 pin sight. What distance would each pin represent? Is there a standard or do I zero each pin to whatever distance I want, ie, 10 yd increments, etc?
There isn't a standard that I know of. Set them to what ever you like. IIRC I had mine set to 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 (yards) on my SA Special. FYI I originally bought it for hunting in dense woods. Of course there are plenty of opinions out there on what to set them to but IMO

it's down to what works for you. Obviously multi-pin sight are more meant for hunting. In competition archery you usually do not see multi-pin sights with 3D Archery being the exception because 3D Archery is like hunting, unknown distances shooting at life size animal targets. One thing that multi-pin sights are good for is measuring distance. You can use the pins to measure the height of the target and based off of that you can estimate distance like you can do with rifle scopes. Unlike rifle scopes there isn't a standard for measuring objects so you would have to come up with your own based on your sights.
Originally Posted by bunk
Side note, thank god the range was pretty empty. The gf had Pepper and they were sitting off to the side of the range. Pepper was crying like there was no tomorrow, wanting to run to me. As I was retrieving my arrows, I hear the clanking of her dog tags. I turn around and here she come barrelling down on me, then running around the range like a lunatic.. 