I’ll include one prototype and plans to construct a 2” reciever hitch that does not require removing rear bumper cover, requires drilling only one hole in alum bumper support, and utilizes the unitized body to support 50% of the load and the alum bumper support to hold the other 50%. This design does not put twisting torque on the bumper support since it only relies on it for downward pressure. I have been using this design on my 2018 z roadster for one year now and have had no issues with stress on the vehicle anywhere, I have pulled a 1000 lb trailer regularly. I am selling the designs and one prototype for $5000, I don’t feel I should give this ingenious design away for free and I don’t want to spend the money on a patent attorney. This design came out of necessity, we regularly pull our Kayaks now where before I had designed a way of hauling them on the roof, my designs are proven and I have been fabricating off road parts and commercial equipment and parts for years as a hobby. Please contact me if you have any interest, I do not plan on ever releasing this design unless it is sold. Thank you.