Originally Posted by cab83_750
Thank you for the honest review. I was hoping that you had a lot of miles on the stock before the switch. It does take a lot of miles to really be qualified in making a comparison.
I had the stock and switched to the Nismo suspension. The car is amazing now and I don't have the intermittent hatred that I had. I am still trying to find an excuse to upgrade to coilovers but based on my semi-intelligent deduction, I do not think I would need c/overs for the type of driving I do.
I will remain open-minded though.
If you are happy with the Nismo setup, then why spend 2k+ on coils? I did it so that I could lower the car to the height I waned and have adjustable suspension for street use vs. track use...if I ever decide to go on track. Some unnamed individual will not let up until I do.