Wanton spending had me low on cash until payday (today, huzzah!) so I was milking the tank for all it was worth last night...
At around 2 dots I had 20-some miles range.
Just before 1 dot the range turned into a flashing --- (not zeros as shown above).
Never got to none-dots, but when I filled up it only took about 17.5 gallons

I was disappointed! I'm like, man I had almost 2 gallons left at one dot and --- range? Still... I'd rather not push it. Getting much under one dot you run the risk of not getting it started again.
So I've heard mixing different gas brands isn't the best idea and you should run it fairly low before fill up. On the other hand I imagine running out completely could be bad for the engine... any credence (Clearwater or otherwise) to that theory?