Thanks to all that have provided advice and suggestions.
Double thanks to all that chose to exercise sympathy and understanding during my bitch fest.
Sorry to start my forum tenure with such a rant. I had just went from a nice little top down drive through the sights of Savannah to needing to use my toe to tug up my pedal, to having a mechanic fiddle about resulting in informing me that now she wouldn't move an inch and that they did not have time to work on her. To having a dealer say that they refuse to work on (or sell) 370z's to being informed that I needed to purchase thousands in parts and nearly as much in labor, but those parts were currently unavailable, even if I could find someone to install them. To paying $20 for a cab ride back to my room that was less than a mile away after waiting over an hour.
I walked across the street in the 97 degree humidity, bought a couple of whiskey pints, went back to my room, made a big cocktail, then checked my email only to find my forum approval, so I logged on and started typing.
It was an exercise in catharsis really, and in the end, I felt better after doing so, even though I made the good members of this forum absorb the brunt of it.
Nonetheless, I have started a different thread to ask questions about my current mechanical issues and would appreciate any advise that may be proffered.
I could use some advice on Master/Slave cylinder issues...
Again, thanks to all that bore with my rant and offered sympathy and/or advice.