Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
Ok, let me see if I have this straight... You bought someone else’s headache without doing your DD?
I am not sure how much due diligence you expect of one buying a car, but I did much more than most car buyers do. I had not read every page of this forum, no. Yes, I thought being a Nissan, I would benefit from "Japanese auto reliability" which was a critical mistake. Most other cars in this category are much more reliable whether they be of European or US origin.
Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
You’re angry because it took 6 months to get approved here?
Angry no. Disappointed in the way the forum membership is administrated? Yes, to a degree. The forum owners can administrate the forum anyway they please, obviously. They have no obligation to their members, or their advertisers and sponsors, I suppose.
It sounds like you have never joined another forum if a 6 month approval lag seems normal to you.
Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
Your 11 year old car has issues that have been fully documented...
New 370z owners have the same issues. Nissan has done little to fix obvious issues with the vehicle.
Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
you had access too here for free and you’re mad at the car?
No, the non approved member does not have full access.
No, I am not mad at the car. It is inanimate, so that would be silly. I am mad at myself. When I said I was mad at the car, that was metaphorically speaking, obviously (at least to readers of rudimentary intelligence).
Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
The entire line of Z’s are POS’s because you didn’t do your homework?
The z cars are pieces of s*** due to major design flaws that the manufacturer refuses to address resulting in sub-par reliability and inordinate cost of ownership, especially for a Japanese car.
Do you need me to swoon over your car to get your knickers out of a knot? Are you so insecure that you cannot handle anyone belittling "your baby?"
I did compliment the HVAC and I could come up with other compliments if that would make you feel better, sweetie. Should I go on?
Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY
Should I go on, Sweetie?
No, I'd prefer not, but I doubt you have any concern about my wishes, so I am sure you'll continue to blather on for several more posts. That's what those of your ilk usually do.