Originally Posted by ocfoilist
I did not go with the bluetooth option as I didn't think I would need that functionality. You will need to build the harnesses but the detailed pinouts are on Radensb Github site at https://github.com/radensb/eZ_Navi-Delete/wiki. The A/C harness is a pretty simple cable that connects the base model A/C physical controls to the car so that the the unit detects ignition, can power the A/C control lights and send necessary signals to the car's A/C system.
The main car harness is a larger and more complex cable that communicates a variety of signals through the board; you can see the list of them on the Github site. I did not have the expertise to build the cables myself but fortunately had a friend who does and could help me with the project. The cables were the only step that I needed outside help with (besides purchasing the board, of course).
I just built a set of cables for Leingod to do his install. IF I was to do this again, I'd use 18 or 20 AWG wires for the cables, 24 AWG is a little too bendy and makes it harder to push the terminal pins into the connectors. Most of the parts are available from Digikey, Mouser or Allied Electronics, with the exception of the Sumitomo connector & pins, you need to get those from Japan, it's hi-1000ec.com that has the connector & pins. Get the pin assemblies that have the wire already crimped on, it will save time. The drawback there is you don't have many color options.
Addition: radensb did a wonderful job identifying connector & terminal part numbers on his wiki. Raden, if you have time, I'd create a BOM (bill of materials) that shows total quantities for terminals & connectors. Since I work with those part numbers (or ones real similar) I was able to notice that one terminal is used on a couple of connectors and didn't order duplicates.

Great job.