Originally Posted by JARblue
For the record, there are multiple reports of the OEM CSC failing on brand new cars as they are driven off the lot by their new owner. Seems like a pretty risky move if you are already struggling to afford repair costs; what happens if it fails in a few thousand miles and you have to pay labor to drop the transmission again? You can get the ZSpeed internal HDCSC for $325 (external CMAK is $495). That's only a $200 price difference plus a lifetime of peace of mind compared to the OEM CSC; if that is really make or break for you then maybe you can't afford the car.
I appreciate the information. I am FULLY aware of the OEM CSC problems. I am FULLY aware of cutting corners and taking on risk but I don't own two vehicles. This is my only car. Yes it's pricey but I need it fixed QUICK. THANKS GUY