Originally Posted by ShadowJester6
No problem. There's so much going on in this mess of a starting system. I am constantly second guessing and rechecking everything over and over.
The code does return. FSM says that it is the clutch interlock switch. Unfortunately, I believe this to be one of those very vague codes that could be many different issues. If you trace that schematic, I've traced the 12V from the battery, through the clutch interlock, through the BCM, to the IPDM E/R fuse box, and through the fuse box up until the starter control relay (which is not closing as it is not receiving the necessary signal to close the relay). I believe the code is being thrown because the starter control relay is not receiving the signal to shut. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing where and why that signal is being lost.
You have a stumper going on. I have dealt with one like this. It was a burn't connector in the main harness. You will need to trace every wire going to and from the clutch inhibitor switch at the clutch pedal and ohm them out. You can try to jump the switch and see if it will crank that way.