2019 nismo wont go into gear
hey guys
just got back from butttonwillow, came to take it off of the trailer and saw it wasnt getting into gear. it will go into gear when the car is off, but not when the motor is on. i didnt try putting it in gear and then turning the car on, cause whats the point i figured ill just take it straight to the shop. clutch reservoir is full and clutch pedal is not sticking to the floor. super weird car ran super smooth all day except for i looped it on phil hill and the car kept cutting power at 4k so i restarted the battery and I was good to. I think i fuel starved it, but the transmission was shifting and running super smooth since then. Oh and stock clutch stock everything on the trans only have a coolerworx short shifter and rjm pedal
did i blow through the csc?
let me know gentlemen
thank you
Last edited by justin_boy; 05-08-2021 at 09:24 PM.