Originally Posted by Spooler
Those pain meds are strong. Had morphine and Demerol before when I had knee surgery. It will take a bit of time to wear off. Hang in there. The dirt bag is not worth going to jail over. He will pay his dues later, I can guarantee that.
Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter
You should read the first 20 chapters on this waste of resource. His dues are about up and time for collection is near
When I had my hip replaced. The doc gave me 2 scrips. One was for 90 pills of Percocet, and 90 pills of OxyContin. Hated the OxyContin. Took one and felt like a stroke victim sitting in my lazyboy. Was mentally dead for 8 hrs. Don't see why people would like them.
The Percocet, I could feel it coming on and not be a zombie. I was a functioning human being. Not some pile of oxygen wasting flesh.