DIY: z34 Front Lower control arms bushes removal WIP
Hey guys. Finally pulled the trigger on DIY'ing the front lower control arms on our 370z. Just need some help with any ideas how to take out the 2 bushes. The large one and the small one. It's easter at the moment so most workshops are closed on the weekends here. I believe a bush press kit is very doable with the smaller bush. But the large one Im not so sure.
Though interestingly my new large bush is already pressed in and it looks like it just needs to be fitted into the control arm in some way. Is there a way to just pop out the old one?
Also when installing the control arms back, do you need to reuse the rubber inserts on the smaller bushes?
Pics below for clarity. Appreciate any helpful info! Thanks
Last edited by ZPWR; 04-17-2021 at 09:40 PM.