Tons of info on this subject. I know it's too much to ask for, but maybe try searching for once instead of starting a new thread?
The dealer uses CONSULT-III machine to read the trans fluid temp from the ECU in order to get the fill level correct.
Ask Nissan why they are suggesting a transmission fluid flush when the AT fluid is supposedly lifetime. Not that you don't need a flush (some AT guys flush every 20-30K with good results). But my guess is they have no clue the actual condition and are just trying to sell you more service.

2011 370Z 6MT Sport Gun Metallic | ARC | CJM | Ecutek | FI | Fujimura | R2C | SPL | Stillen | TWM | Z1 | ZSpeed |
Last edited by JARblue; 03-10-2021 at 12:47 PM.