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Old 03-10-2021, 10:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Can't find solution for lack of performance when car at OPERATING TEMP.

I've searched far and wide within this community and elsewhere online regarding this somewhat common issue where the car has delayed/inadequate throttle response/engine power when the engine oil goes up to 200, and haven't found any way to fixing it.

The car is stock... is otherwise fine... and the oil temp hardly ever goes over 210, if at all. When I drive around and there's the sun shining in all its glory, with normal traffic, if the commute is an hour or so long, it gets sufficiently hot that I notice a steep decrease in power... perhaps not abysmal... but it feels as if I were losing around 25 hp or a bit more perhaps.

I've had throttle bodies checked and clean... fuel pump checked and had its filter cleaned... checked engine oil... checked temperature sensors... checked MAFs... have had the ECU reset through the OBDII... have changed transmission and differential oil for an unrelated issue - though this last but did improve things slightly... it used to suffer much more when heated - checked air filters... and yet the problem still remains.
As per faults with sensors and whatnot, never has there been an error code either...

The car pulls hard when it's cold (the car...not the air temperature outside), and when it's hot, it sometiems pulls well... it sometimes doesn't. I don't live in a terribly-hot weather place... all of this happens when weather here is at most around 85.

At night when its cooler the car fares much better of course

I've read a few other solutions like ECU programming...but im still under warranty and can't touch the ECU.

Any thoughts?

Thanks, friends.

Gesendet von meinem SM-G985F mit Tapatalk
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