Mr. G. Brettin's Slow Motion Leg Hump
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03-05-2021, 09:55 AM
A True Z Fanatic
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Portage, MI
Posts: 2,284
Drives: Tricycle
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I love glancing at the tags. "Jar loves mangled extremities" and " I wiped my dirty ew today" about knocked me out of my seat. lol
A couple nights ago I was at the shop and started assembly of the engine. Having a bit of knowledge was very helpful, more importantly all the bolts and parts! It was such a PITA the first time around. Start. stop. start. stop. start...
I probably would have made the post about the assembly yesterday but I was a bit salty about breaking a piston ring. How did that happen? Well. The piston slipped out of the ring compressor right when I gave the top a bonk. Part of the piston popped out and pinched. These rings only like to do one thing, expand outward. Sooo.... that really pissed me off when that happened. I think there is another ring at the shop still from the last time I broke a ring. (they come as a pack). Other than that the assembly has been straight forward.
Yesterday, still a bit salty about the ring, I received my Titanium Works bleeder valves. I don't think I mentioned that purchase here because I was absolutely embarrassed about the purchase. There's no good reason to have them on the car other than "I like them". 95% of the stuff I put on the car has to have a specific functional purpose. I guess that 5% is the street flare.
I decided too late in the game that I want a "akebono" vinyl sticker. I put it on after the clear. Well... It's a 7 dollar vinyl. I guess I can sacrifice it every few years.
These pictures are way better than the social media pictures I take. Less compression.
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