Originally Posted by danegrey
Sorry, been away, (mental break) got its update, please tell me if I missed anyone..
Also there has been discussion about
Is MSR Houston separate from MSR Cresson ?
and is Eagles Canyon -- MSR Cresson or should it be labeled both
If someone will pm, me on the tracks in question, I will send the code and you can all get me straighten on this. I am so confused.
Thanks for the help
MSR Cresson and MSR Houston are separate tracks, both are "motor sport ranch" tracks though. Cresson is near FTW and Houston is in Houston
Eagles Canyon isn't under the MSR umbrella but is also near FTW.
MSR Cresson has 3 configs:
3.1 (can only be ran one way)
1.7 that can be CCW or CW
1.3 which is almost never run by itself and is a CCW only.
hope that helps!