So I created a thread yesterday about a random misfire event, that I traced to being a coil pack. During the goose chase, I undid the strut brace, stock intake tubes, throttle bodies, and MAFs in order to clean them and also replace all the spark plugs.
I was putting everything back together, while the engine was warming up without issues. I was tightening the strut brace bolts when all of a sudden, I see this small geyser of coolant shooting out of the back of the engine block. I turned the engine off, and I could see all of the coolant burning but not exactly sure where it was coming from. I don't think I undid or crunched any lines while taking things apart/putting things together. I didn't even go anywhere near the back of the engine.
I turned the engine on again, and checked that coolant temp wasn't overheating, to see if I could find the leak. It seems like somewhere on the lower/back side of the block.
I attached some vids/pics....
Engine off
Engine on
Any ideas? I really need to get this fixed so I can drive 850 miles back home....