Originally Posted by JARblue
It is my personal opinion that our collective strength is the commonality that allows us to build these huge dividers to keep out all the people who don't think like us
This the human condition known as tribalism which is based on protecting one's tribe from others by excluding them based on you name the reason. In the US this is about selfishness. Many are tired of sharing with others and other want to share too much for nothing in return. Our struggle is no different now than when humans started to encounter one another or families became to large. All things are about the division of resources (money), power and control.
So for me I understand that life is not fair and someone or somebodies will always rule and that in America and really the world, the people with most power and the money are mostly White. Who controls the World Banks? It cracks me up to see some White people complain about their plight when the rule is still the same as it always has been in America...and equally so for Blacks who have it better now than ever even given the inequality. The struggle is how do we move closer together and live out our lives in joy despite those that lord over us.
Maybe we should all move to a compound in Texas and be neighbors with Ted Nugent. He has all the answers LMAO!!!