Originally Posted by Rusty
I'm stocked on everything I need for the most part. I'm just getting stuff for the RPR 338 rifle. I have 5 lbs of H1000 and 3 lbs of RL26 for it. To load for 100 rounds for it. That's 1.3 lbs of powder. Need to get more Hornady 285 gr match bullets for it.
Originally Posted by VABAM
There are a lot of people out there that are really regretting not stocking up earlier.
Indeed. I’m hopeful but trying to be realistic.
Originally Posted by Rusty
I stocked up for Y2K. I'm just replacing stuff that I've been using. 
I'm in fair shape, I didn't buy enough 6.8 SPC when I got the rifle and now the same with 300 BLK.
Unfortunately, I didn't do a very good job stockpiling powder & primers in the last few years, but I have done a pretty good job with ammo.

Most was reloaded in the early 2000s, and I've taken a few out to make sure things are okay.