Originally Posted by SeeThruHead
Barrels of fuel is an impossibility as I essentially live in and apartment with no storage. Octane booster is really the only option. I can’t find any flex fuel systems that will work on anything but ethanol however. Though I only did a quick search. It really must be automated for a street car imo. And since we have no ethanol I’m a bit at a loss for how I can increase octane and have the car respond properly. Welcoming any and all ideas.
As for building the engine. That will be a post initial boost endeavour. I will stay at low 500s probably for a while, learning the car. The when the time has come to increase horsepower (and I’ve acquired a second vehicle) the car will hopefully make its way to mazworks. Or I’ll do what spoiler did and build a secondary engine.
Unless you purchase 5 gallon pails & mix your own

Ignite does make e98 & a lotta folks tune on e40,e50,e60,etc.....I’ll be running the ignite red e90