Originally Posted by JLarson
Hopefully this comes across well, but how does your neighbor know these guys were Antifa? I'm asking this because despite the fact that I'm involved somewhat heavily in local politics and know a lot of people from a lot of groups, I haven't met a single person who meets that description, much less an organized group of individuals spanning the US who do. AntiFa is a label - anti fascist. As far as the name goes, I'd hope that many of us are indeed anti fascists, but as far as the way I hear them described by people as an organized and violent group of extremist left wing nuts, I'm not meeting them or aware of their existence. On the other hand, I'm very aware of groups like the Oath Keepers.
I'm not unwilling to change my perspective, but what we are encountering in our areas is very different.
It's coming out on the news now that in some of the pictures are known AntiFa members inside the capitol building.
If you in to the history of AntiFa. They use the same tactics as Fascists'.