Originally Posted by JLarson
I know how much some of this is probably geographic, but in my area, Megan and I both got stuck in the middle of a BLM/All Lives Matter protest (didn't know we were driving down a protest route). The ALM group were spitting on the BLM people, who had peacefully assembled, and had a permit. They were screaming profanity, calling them N*rs, and generally being as disrespectful as possible.
Stopping the violence were the police. So we had good police, bad ALM, good BLM people here. I recognize this is anecdotal evidence, I'm just relating my experience.
My town and my county is a red as they come and most my friends are Trumpers and good people. I don't have a problem with the right or the left and I chose to swing either way depending on the topic. There was a small BLM rally in our town as it is the county seat. There were all kinds of rumors of Antifa coming to town and folks being paid to come and protest...riot and cause unrest. Not a single arrest with those protesting but there were several arrest made to those in opposition of the march. Lots of folks carrying long guns and calling names.
We got to quit letting the fringe on either side move us from the ideals that we all believe in. Justice for all! All men/women are created equal and that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is for everyone.