Originally Posted by JLarson
I know how much some of this is probably geographic, but in my area, Megan and I both got stuck in the middle of a BLM/All Lives Matter protest (didn't know we were driving down a protest route). The ALM group were spitting on the BLM people, who had peacefully assembled, and had a permit. They were screaming profanity, calling them N*rs, and generally being as disrespectful as possible.
Stopping the violence were the police. So we had good police, bad ALM, good BLM people here. I recognize this is anecdotal evidence, I'm just relating my experience.
No doubt there are bad ALM and there are good (peaceful) ALM just like there are bad BLM and good BLM (peaceful). What I'm wondering is, what group has been burning down our cities and attacking citizens with red hats for the last four years. There has to be some organization behind it.