I can see them successfully implementing a ban on the "sale of new" ICE cars which will just simply cause new production of ice cars to a halt and put focus into hybrid. It'll just be whatever is out there in terms of 100% ice is what will remain until generations of ICE drivers no longer are here to purchase and drive them.
I doubt they'll be able to outright outlaw both the driving of ICE cars and driving itself and force driverless cars on us. Should this happen and they can successfully deal with the fallout of such a thing then this will be beyond our life time and we will be long dead.
It hurts my head to think of everything that would need to change all around the world in order to facilitate something like this and im not even talking about the logistical nightmare that this would cause. It'll rattle the world and the disruption it'd cause in both old & new systems in effect would be devastating, let alone would it could do to our economy. It would seriously require an unprecedented focus and major shift simultaneously with the rest of the superpowers worldwide to get us there.
Ultimately, the market will decide what happens in the future. People seem to think that the world is loving electric cars, they arent, they love tesla's. The government can tell us about all the changes they'd like to make, doesn't mean its going to happen. Trends change, directions shift, pushback & appeals prolong and are successful, and lastly governments change as well. There really is no point for any of us to worry about this in our life time.
Edit: Mind you, with all that i said...I'm not opposed to electric cars, electric does have its place and if i could afford it, it'd have an electric as a daily where i dont care how i get to point A to B but i'll always have something i can play with, work on and use during the summer and weekends. That's where the Z fits, and what it does perfectly.
Last edited by Asus_; 01-02-2021 at 04:44 PM.