Originally Posted by Geoff-AU
I removed it but didn't like the free end-play without any spring, so I found a much softer one to put back in.
FWIW, after my tinkering with the clevis on the end of the master cyl pushrod and generally studying the way that the whole assembly works, I identified that essentially 90% of that "free play" or "slop" in the pedal travel is actually caused by the very poorly-fitting OEM clevis and the pin used to secure it to the clutch pedal arm.
The helper spring essentially holds tension on this very sloppy fitting, so that you don't notice it nearly as much with the spring installed. The slop is still there, all the time, regardless if the spring is installed or not. You just don't tend to notice it with the spring, as the resistance of the spring blends in with the force of the master cyl against your foot as you depress the pedal. This masks the ability of your foot to feel that bit of slop at the beginning of the pedal travel.
RJM now includes a much better designed, tighter-tolerance HD clevis end with all their newest pedals. My thinking is that even the OEM pedal setup could be improved with a better clevis and pin used in the assembly.