You need SPC toe bolts to get the rear Toe in spec with the proper camber. Excessive camber will cause the Tramline to be worse. You need front camber arms or FUCA. Get SPL, they are easy to adjust. Set the camber to -1.4 front and -1.5 rear. As I said before, set the toe to dead middle of spec. The next thing to do is to properly setup the dampers. You want the dampers to control the compression and rebound. Full soft does nothing. You have to dial the dampers in to absorb those impacts. Set it in the middle and adjust until the car is more stable on a bumpy road. If it is still bouncing around, add one more click positive to make the dampers work more. It takes time to dial in the dampers. I tuned mine in on I-16 which is bumpy as hell. The ride is just about perfect now.
Last edited by Spooler; 12-29-2020 at 07:08 PM.