Quick search found that you will need a USB cable or Mobile adapter depending on how you want to flash the module. Looks like it can be purchase on eBay and Amazon. Then use the website or app, as appropriate, to upload your firmware.
Originally Posted by Installation Instructions
Flashing firmware to the DC3 on the web:
Before you can use your DC3, it must be connected to the internet and flashed with firmware tailored to the vehicle you are installing on. To connect to the module to your computer, you will need the Weblink USB PC programmer (available from your distributor). Then visit http://compustar.idatalink.com to flash your module. You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one. You can also program the DC3 using the Weblink Mobile adapter for iOS or Android. The Weblink Mobile RS app is available through iTunes or Google Play. PLEASE NOTE: All DC3’s are shipped without any firmware loaded at the factory.