I prefer single stage triggers but have nothing against 2 stage triggers.
Got a Wilson Combat TTU 4lb single stage in one of my ARs. I like it a lot.
Also have Geissele Super Sabras with the Lightning Bow trigger in my Tavors. Gives my Tavors a pretty solid 2 stage feel even though they are bullpups.
Originally Posted by jwick
I love the trigger in my 308 but I have the one that has the safety recall. I figure it’s better for me to buy a new trigger rather than send it back to Remington.
At least it isn’t the trigger Sig has in the Cross.
Originally Posted by Rusty
I scored 2 lbs of Hodgson H1000 powder today.  Local gun shop just powder in yesterday.  Reloading 100 rounds of 338 LM takes about 1.25 lbs of powder.
Dang those are some thirsty rounds.

At least you were able to find some powder.