Originally Posted by madwi
One of the ways I heard traffic was to be controlled is that the cars talk amongst themselves or they are all on a network and can alter speeds and lanes depending on what is coming up on them or in front of them ect.
Snow had been an issue but there is new tech that is helping to mitigate it. Please dont ask me for specifics as I am remember articles I had read and who knows how true the sources are.
This is a very complicated subject and it ultimately comes down to: It really depends on how much control that information has on the car's ability to operate, however you must know everything MUST be fact-checked by lidar regardless. It would NEVER rely on or trust other cars. We're no longer talking about worst case scenario your account information gets leaked (which happens WAY more often than you'd think, remember people never use the same password for different services), but rather several ton death machines.
As a software developer who specializes in networking, let's just say I will never own a car that is on a network.