After January 1 2018’ we incorporated the Fire Department to our fleet of vehicles.
All repairs/maintenance goes through our shop.
I was the HMFIC on our side of shop (all heavy trucks/Equp) until I yielded the responsibility to an older guy who wanted to do more managing the work vs. turning the wrenches....as I did both

After 1/21/2018, when my crash took place

I was out for 10-weeks.
Came back to work on full duty...but Doc said to go easy & not to bust it wide open on lifting,etc...

The need for someone to be there to at least 6pm came up & I adjusted my shift to 10-when.....which was usually 7,8,9 sometimes 10pm getting off.
Fast Forward to the Spring of this year...took 6-weeks off work to finish construction of my garage (some days without pay) so I could get some chit done on my vehicles.
After going back to work; took a while...but got back on a bonofide day shift schedule...7-3:30 (0.5 lunch) and work as needed if desired (OT)

Now the coworker who was passing out work is going part time.....so I’m the “Working HMFIC” again

Keeping up with all the work flow + turning wrenches as well

Hours will be 6:45-4pm minimum.
Spoiler keep sounding the trumpet; as I’ll be on the road...unless I’m off

I don’t mind the Xtra responsibility, because when yearly evaluations are done...the $ goes up

Definitely needed, after writing these build checks for Z

Thanks for reading & you guy’s have a great day.
Planning to start that thread pretty soon, probably when I put Z back on the lift