Originally Posted by Rusty
In grade school. We used to have bomb drills monthly. One week we would practice "Duck and Cover". That's where you went under your desk and covered your head. The following week. We would all go down to the lowest part of the building. Line up against a wall, then sit on the floor with our heads between our knees. Got to watch a whole bunch of black and white 35mm films on the atomic bomb. Fun times.  Kids now a days would chit their panty's. 
Dang, I had forgot about that... I was in Midland, Michigan in a small brick school, “Glasgow Elementary” (grades 1 to 3) and monthly we had to sit in the hall with our heads down between our knees...
That was back in the day when each morning we all stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag that was hanging in our classroom.
All I really remember about the 3rd grade is that this fat girl named Lisa Larson would lift her shirt up on the playground and let all of us pint sized playboys cop a quick feel when the playground lady was a looking the other way... ...In retrospect, I dont even think it was a boob, just fat...
...I kinda wonder how ‘ole Lisa is doing these days, I would just about guess that she grew up to be a biggun...