Originally Posted by VABAM
Watched a video today from Jerry Miculek talking about keeping your thumb away the cylinder gap on a revolver. For me this is very old news but seeing hotdogs being blown up by the cylinder gap gases was fun. What got me was the comments on the FB post of the video. Made me realize how ignorant a lot of gun owners are about how guns, more specifically revolvers, work. So many comments like “I’ve been shooting revolvers for many years, never knew that was a thing.” Also comments like this, “I've never shot a revolver. Didn’t know about the cylinder gap.” made me realize that many gun owners nowadays have never shot revolvers. I don’t think revolvers are a dying bread but definitely not as popular as they used to. IMO general gun knowledge in the community is dying. I really can't point to one thing that is causing it. Thoughts?
It's more of a case of people that lack the 'hand-eye coordination' to fire a revolver. They are also the ones that put a laser on their Glock and can't hit a silhouette target at 15'.
Those that say 'I've been shooting a revolver for years...' are usually full of chit, they can barely put rounds on target. I'm almost convinced that FB is inhabited by fools, morons and drama queens.
I grew up on revolvers, my first gun was a 6" Ruger Security Six and I put almost 500 rounds through it before I could consistantly hit the black (8, 9, 10, X) on a bulls-eye target. I knew enough to keep my fingers away from the barrel and the cylinder gap....