Originally Posted by Asus_
As others have said, mods won't help you in this case. For what it's worth, you shouldn't be buying these types of cars if your worried about resale value. Actually any car for that matter lol . . . just kidding
But seriously, I know someone who just recently passed. It reminds you of how seriously fragile our lives are and how fast it can end. We hear it all the time but never hits us until it effects someone you know.. Life is to short to worry about re-sale value of a car, esp if that car has brought you so much fun and joy and continues to do so. You will never regret those types of things. Live your life, enjoy the car, and should you decide to sell that beautiful machine you currently own, make sure the new owner is just as appreciative as you were when you first bought it and keep smiling with the new z and keep having fun, we need more moments of this in our life. 
I know I'm late on reading this post, but I think this comment right here sums up why the majority of us are here. Pure love of the Z! Yes we all want to get the best deal we can when we spend money in general, but if it brings you true joy, its worth every penny! When I bought mine two years ago, I honestly got a really fair deal. But did I see others who got better deals after? Of course I did! Did I regret it? Not for one single minute!!! The feeling I get when I drive my car is priceless. Good luck with it all and I hope the next owner feels the same.