Originally Posted by JLarson
Exactly. Every study I've seen has shown that if you've got masks and proper ventilation, you've got highly reduced chances of getting it, ...
I recognize this is anecdotal, I just am not convinced everything is a conspiracy (although it might be).
I've talked to several people in the healthcare business (including my Sister with a PhD in Nursing) and they all say the epidemic is a fact and that it is killing people. They also tell me that masks, distancing, hand washing, etc work. From what I've read, the vast majority of healthcare workers agree. Should I listen to those with first-hand experience or Some Guy on the Intertubes?
A lot of people don't know how to read papers or how to interpret statistics. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings. I'm no expert but did help my ex study for her BS/MS/PhD in Psychology - heavy on test design, administration, and interpretation.