Originally Posted by Hotrodz
I talked to my informant from Nissan this past weekend at the track. I asked him if had any information on the automatic transmission for the new Z and he smiled and said yes but I can't tell you anything about it and then he paused and said what I can tell you is that it will not be anything that is on their vehicles at this time. He suspects that because it is something new there will be issues to sort through. Nothing new about that.
He stated that he and others are pushing and politicking Nissan to also offer the Nismo with a manual transmission as well. That is all I have for now. If I am at the next tack day I will pump him for more information.
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so it's not a DCT i think we can all agree they wouldnt do that.
it's def not the same 7AT from the 370/Q60....thankfully.
and then it's also not their new 9 speed per that comment.
you had my curiosity nissan. now you have my attention lol