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Old 11-10-2020, 10:16 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MSC43 View Post
Thanks...what do I need to clean it with? If that does not work it's probably one of the sensors? I just replaced my overhead cam sensors a few months ago......before that the crankshaft position sensors.....damn sensors.
All you need is a screwdriver (or nut driver) and some MAF cleaner. With car off, unplug one of the MAFs, remove the two screws holding it in, remove MAF, spray with cleaner, let dry, replace MAF, and replace screws*. Repeat on the other side.

As per wanker and JARblue, the cleaner comes in a spray can. I like the CRC brand, also.

*Edit: Forgot to mention plugging the MAF back in. But if you need to be told that, maybe you shouldn't be working on cars.
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Last edited by SouthArk370Z; 11-10-2020 at 02:26 PM.
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