Originally Posted by Spooler
I care because most folks it will put them out and they won't recover. I was lucky enough to be able to put mine back together again. That was a hard bill to pay. Explaining what happened to the wife wasn't easy either. If I can help save someone the trouble, I will. That is what this thread's continuation has been all about. I could have just as easily went into hiding like everyone else has in the past.
I can't imagine the conversation.
I've done the stupid thing of letting someone else build an engine, the engine blowing because they screwed it up and then having to sell the car for pennies because I couldn't afford to fix it. (67 Chevelle). It's one of life's lessons that suck eggs.

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. This thread has been a learning experience for me, showing me what are the right things to do and what doesn't work so well. Thanks Spooler.