Originally Posted by victorofhavoc
Is the bottom of that stillen bumper flat across and back? Meaning does a splitter fit flush against it if it was just a flat board?
I've seriously been considering buying honeycomb and 1/8" birch to make my own structure, but if alumilite is as cheap as some have come by that might be a better option. I am curious how much the racebred splitters weigh since they're a birch honeycomb.
Thanks for all the great options and suggestions everyone! This will be a fun off season project. Can't wait to get this car back out there next year!!  .
Ps, if anyone lives near tulsa, ok, there's a mustang club event at hallett this weekend. I wanted to make it, but my wife has to work and that means I'm watching our baby  .
The splitter itself is semi rigid yet somewhat flexible. It's CNC machined aluminum composite. Here's a photo of the underside. The stillen bumper itself curves upward that small 5 degrees and this comforms to it nicely.
These guys over at Ventus Auto Works can do custom splitters or any variation you need as well. Not affiliated with them... just a one time customer helping out a forum member if you're interested.