Originally Posted by Hotrodz
I don't think your logic is off. What I have read is that don't move in synchrony because of the slop that is there with the mounting setup. ... I guess can even get worse with solid mounts. I'm just repeating what some have experienced.
It seems to me that the more rigid the mounting of the transmission (and thus the shifter), the less the shifter will move and the easier it will be to shift - the gate won't be moving around on you as much.
Originally Posted by Hotrodz
Also, there is no notable performance gain that I have heard from having solid vs poly transmission mounts. Both are an improvement over OEM. The solid motor mounts increase performance because you don't lose hp do to engine twist. ...
Since the engine and transmission are bolted together, seems like stiffer mounts on either one would help reduce twist in the other. Ie, stiffer mounts on the trans only should have the same (or very close) effect as stiffer mounts on the engine only.
Maybe I just don't understand the physics and geometry involved and need some enlightenment. I'm not too old to learn.