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Old 02-10-2010, 04:12 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shabarivas View Post
Simple - whats happening on the island will end up transforming into what happens on the plane... instead of both being "alternate" realities - they are simply showing us a flash forward (the plane etc) which will come about after they *somehow* leave the island...

well the events on the island are 2007 the flash sideways are october 2004

this is what i think it is.... i will use sawyer as an example in 1977 he told jack his parents died a year ago and he could have gone and stopped it but whats done is done..... ok so that means at that exact same time back in the US there is like a 8 year old ( or whatever age is was) sawyer that exists..... still follow me? ok that sawyer in 27 years will board oceanic 815.... this is the same for every character... i think the flashsideways are of the versions of them who grow up slightly different and in 2004 dont crash on the island...

that would retain what happened happened for the one timeline and leave a new timeline at the same time

oh and here is a wild theory of mine... that has some holes in it because .. hurely and sayid were touched post flight 815... but ...whos to say jacob wasnt touching the other losties in the other timeline where the plane didnt crash... that could be how they have some deja vu of the original time... my theory might be disproven if it turns out that lockes dad didnt push him out the window and sun and jin arnt married
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Last edited by MC; 02-10-2010 at 04:36 PM.
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