Originally Posted by fatso666
It is seen that you are a resentful person who is offended by a simple post, you totally diverted the topic of this thread, who started it wanted seat options and I simply gave my opinion but you started to throw s***t, everyone is free to buy what they want. Well, if you have the money to buy those seats anyways good for you with that photo I can see that you do not have good taste, those seats will never look good more than in the evo X. Anyway, be happy as a king winner in this personal vendetta that you turned this thread. Bye
It's not "resentful" to call people out on the dumb sh*t coming out of their mouths. You recommended cheap, knockoff seats to a person who created a thread looking for OEM Recaros (not "options", a specific seat). Then, your remark about me needing to "keep saving" for Recaros backfired because jokes on you (bet you weren't expecting that

). Finally, you mention good taste while rocking knockoffs... and not even the "I had to look close to notice they weren't real" knockoffs?? I understand taste is subjective but
Again, good luck with your seats.
Originally Posted by Wuero370z
Fatso is right. He didn’t trash you for wanting expensive seats but you sure did trash him for cheaper seats... it is all opinion if you think the recaro is better quality/value and even if more people share that opinion with you, doesn’t make his opinion any less valid. You just handled it horribly. Been there
First, I called his seats what they are, which was being honest. Then, I made a follow-up comment to a joke someone else made about him being cheap.However, I was also kind enough to wish him good luck with them... twice. Second, not once did I say his opinion was invalid or even so much as imply it (except right above in regards to his "good taste" comment).
In regards to your comment: those $400 seats he purchased were not made to the same standard(s) as any authentic Recaro (even the ones made in the Chinese factory). So yes, real Recaros are a better quality seat (fact not opinion). On the other hand, his seats may actually be the better value... if his life is worth $399 or less.
Anyway, I'm done here.
NissanTracker - Cyber Auto Parts, Inc. (on Facebook) and socal_z_parts (on Instagram) have posted recently about acquiring some 2015+ Nismo's that they will be parting out. There was a third entity with another 15+ being parted out in one of the Z groups on Facebook as well but I don't remember the seller's name/info. I hope you find what you're looking for

(Sorry for all the clutter)