Truth about 370Z Curb Weight
Nissan's curb weight advertisement had been bothering me for awhile. On 370Z's debut, it was advertised 370Z to be a generally lighter than 350Z but the definition on their version of "curb weight" was never clear to me and always confused me why the 370Z seemed so heavy despite the official number.
TO cut to the point: I have a reason to believe the curb weight as suggested by Nissan is with all operating fluids and 25% or 1/4 tank of Fuel.
-My 2013 Nismo is suggested at 3,314lb. Car lossed ~90 lb of weight for track(both sprung and unsprung) and it still scaled(without driver) at a whopping 3,304 lb with full tank of gas.
-Another member mentioned that his 2013 base sport model with full tank of gas scaled at 3,361 lb. Nissan advertises 3272 lbs for 2013 sport+manual trans.
Bottom line, difference between 100% fuel and 25% tank ~ 88 lb. So Add 88lb to the advertised curb weight if you want to know the car's weight with full tank of gas.