my review and ramblings for this week
there seems to be alot of mixed feelings about "what kate does" at first i was a little dissapointed but when i watched it again i started to come around to it. its just my expectation were so high and there is so much mythology to answer and then they throw us a kate episode. they are usually the weakest character centric story lines... but it was important if you step back and think about it.... she potentially did in the other timeline what she set out to do on the island.. . it seems claire might now keep aaron in the new timeline.....
the other important part was kate had the weird deja vu when she saw jack just like he had on the plane ( why she didnt have it when she bumped into him and stole his pen or to sawyer in the elevator i dunno) she also had it when claire called the baby aaron... so it seems they have some memory or conciousness from the original timeline....
also seeing ethan was a nice touch and the whole medicine/needle thing was good irony... when aaron stopped moving..did anyone realize thats what he did on the island aswell? also her ultrasound said 10/22/2004 where in the other timeline it was 9/22/2004.. and the last small thing that i actually had to read about and didnt notice for myself was the killer whale stuffed animal was the same one aaron was holding when he heard kate and jack argue over him and (uncle) jack told kate he isnt even related to you
the high point for me is we got some light shed on what "the sickness" is. its been talked about since season1 and it seems its a way for the MIB to possibly control dead bodies ( not impersonate them like he is doing with locke) so this might explain christian ( not sure on this one yet) the whole french team, yemi and now claire... i guess sayid did actually die and since they didnt know jacob was dead the darkness infected him because they didnt bury him immediately? so it looks like the bodies are reanimated with their own personality that is slowly taken over by the darkness..... if christian is like this and not just MIB faking him... it seems thats why he told locke "to say hello to my son" but on the other hand how could he appear to michael on the freighter if he was actually just a reanimated infected dead body?
which now i think might prove claire died in the RPG blast to the barracks... remember miles looked at her funny in season 4 just like he looked at sayid. and when she left her bady to follow christian i guess she was completley infected and under somones control?
so yeah i mean im not complaining but atleast we got a kate episode out of the way... season 6 copies season 1 in the order of character centric that means next week is a locke episode which could be one of the best of the season..
Last edited by MC; 02-10-2010 at 02:53 PM.