Originally Posted by kacz07
^You're a tool.
YES! this Guy is a REAL TOOL!!!
I just
wasted 5 minutes of my life reading his garbage post!
He is exactly why I will never buy from a dealer! I mean honestly, who in their right mind would want to go into the dealer this "TOOL" works at and try to buy a car. Then he sarts garbling about all these useless numbers about MR. Y and MR X, deal verses deal, APR verses APR, mumbo jumbo...
I will gladly utilize my time "
researching" the
BEST possible deal (INVOICE -$1578.00) and the
LOWEST APR available (3.99%)!
It is time well spent and time is relative and as long as it is my time i am utilizing then no one else has to be concerned...
You on the other hand can't come to terms with forums like this one because it threatens your way of life! and that pleases me, because I feel that TOOLS like you are an Abomination to the rest of this civilized world!