Originally Posted by Geoff-AU
FRS grip limit is noticeably lower than a properly tyred Z. The FRS handling balance is perfect for easily-accessible fun, the Z has gobs and gobs of grip, it's MEATY and just sticks to the road like it's on rails until you get to 85% of the limit and your face starts peeling off in the corners. Then the characteristics change a bit and it starts to dance, you can treat it rough the first 85% and it'll grip and go but the next 15% has to be treated with a lot of respect and finesse. It's a tougher car to master but it's a much better package overall.
If you stick **** tyres on the Z then it'll be underwhelming. Different tyres front and back is just going to ruin everything.
agreed! I have always told people you can totally ruin the feel of a sports car with the wrong tires.