Originally Posted by vtecchippy
Whether you love it or hate it, at least it’s there and they’re trying. We all hate the grille, that’s 99% of people’s reaction. But shut the f**k up about nit picky little things like reusing some interior pieces or other little things. It’s a prototype (albeit, they said it’s almost the final) and plus you’re brain dead if you think a company under the financial duress that Nissan has been could possibly design something new from the ground up. We’ve known for a while that it’s on the same chassis, old news.
Not to say nobody should dislike the car or state an opinion (everyone here is entitled to that) but we’re looking at a car known for affordable fun. If you want something completely new with every iteration, you better look in the exotic sector. You ain’t finding that ANYWHERE in the 40k range.
I don’t love everything about it, but still, let’s see what production looks like along with price, specs, etc. before we pass final judgement. Plus, we get to keep a manual for those of us that are passionate about that. Supra and Vette fans have lost that forever and I think that says something about nissans intent to please its Z fan base 
My only comment here is that yep, times are tough at Nissan. So while I'm fine with the 370 refresh (and welcome the new engine and other performance things for sure), please don't say we "obviously" (not your words but implied) shouldn't still look for complete redos. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 240 to 280 was a complete redo. 280 to 300 was a complete redo. 300 to 350 was a complete redo. 350 to 370 was a complete redo. Yet now, we shouldn't at least have hoped for it?
Again, I understand what and why they are doing it. Makes complete sense. And we should just be happy there is a new car. But I would still actually applaud them if they would just come out and say it. Stand up, tell it like it is, and beat your chest about having a true manual tranny sports car while others don't.
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