Fixed it!
Last night I removed the glove box and its surrounds (7 screws - easy job if you've got a very long screwdriver), then took the cabin air filter out. I reckon the most likely cause was the air filter becoming dislodged a bit (it can move around inside a housing that seems way too big) and stopping the a/c cowling from moving to its 'shut' position properly. The cabin air filter was a bit squashed on the left hand side.
Anyhow, the noise has stopped and I don't have to pay a mechanic a hundred pounds (UK) for something that took 15 minutes to sort out!
edit: sorry, I should have credited beachguard for giving me the idea. Thanks mate.
...oh, I took the precaution of turning the air filter 180 degrees before replacing it.

'03 Grey >>> '06 Black >>>'10 Silver >>> '16 Grey ^
Last edited by chubbs; 09-14-2020 at 01:47 PM.