Originally Posted by old guy
One of my ideas about a cashless economy is the government has direct knowledge of every cent you’re worth.
With The socialists tendencies of people in the country, It’s not too far off to say that, if they were in power and decided that, you had too much in your account &” for the social good and for people who don’t have as much “ or to satisfy the National debt we’re going to only let you keep x amount …just saying
I know I’m half craZy but I’m having a good time
Look no farther then China. They are all ready doing it. It's called a social report card. You start with 100 points. You lose points with each infraction. Lose too many and they limit your travels. No trains and planes. Can't stay in any hotels or motels. Plus they are using facial recognition too. Cameras everywhere. It's 1984.