I am a very happy owner of a V1.
I'm not 100% sure of how the escort uses it's memory-ignore feature, but I pass a specific alarm every day to work (a closed military gate, full-strength laser). While I normally just turn it off if I'm close to home, one night I decided just to mute it.
As I continued past the gate, my V1's arrows not only continued to light up with the rear arrow (as usual), the front arrow also was lit up. Where I would normaly speed up well above the speed limit, I kept it low as I passed a hidden police car running radar.
Without the arrows of my V1, it would have been the normal "pay no attention to the false-alarm" scenario. Would the Escort still display the police officer in this scenario, if it was set to ignore the military gate at the same location?
The indicator lights on the V1 definitely have me sold. Knowing when a cop is coming up behind you, or passes you on the opposite side of traffic, is invaluable information to have. I have the luxury of not living in a full urban area, so false alarms aren't very common, therefore the GPS function of the escort isn't as necessary for me.

"Any man who can drive a 370z while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the Z the attention it deserves." Albert Einstein....modified.